



Bias Route

Bias Route” is made of circular and square 1/4th in. steel bars, and string, made to evoke the intangible concept of “opinion”. The process included welding multiple forged and bent steel bars together, and finishing it with black paint. I then weaved the string from the top, and attached it to the spiral at the “end” of the structure.

October, 2023, steel bars, hemp string

Soul Level

Soul Level, October, 2023, Blender animation and video edit

I wanted to visualize the solitude of the energy inside the sculpture. The clear ring is hollow filled with water, and has some room for the isolated air, that is stuck inside forever. I imagined that the air inside has an energy, and that it will never be free from its cage.

As the camera moves, the air looks towards the viewer, seeking anything. I want to reach out to everyone who has felt empty and lonely in their life, trying to reach out and getting nothing but looks. My main inspiration was my first inkling of this idea when I saw a small bubble leveler you would use to make sure something is flat. I connected with it and was empathetic towards the air inside.

Soul Level, October, 2023, Blender animation, video edit



3D Animations

3D Animations

Fire Red, Blender animation, November 2023

Core , Blender animation, March 2024

Mason’s Hand, Blender animation, October 2023

Soul Level, Blender animation, video edit, December 2023